Coordinator: Dec. 2012-today, Parliamentary Budget Office, Hellenic Parliament.

Professor: August 2009 –today, University of Peloponnese, Department of Economics, teaching International Economics, Macroeconomics, Problems and Prospects of the Greek Economy at both graduate and under-graduate level.

Associate Professor: August 2005-July2009, University of Peloponnese, Department of Economics, teaching International Economics, Macroeconomics, Problems and Prospects of the Greek Economy both graduate and under-graduate level.

Assistant Professor: March 2001-August 2005, University of Thessaly, Department of Economics, teaching the following undergraduate courses: Economic Policy, International Trade, International Finance, Special Topics in Economic Analysis, Economic Integration and the Greek Economy.

Visiting Assistant Professor: October 2001-today, Hellenic Open University, teaching Economic Analysis and Policy" (undergraduate students) and "Public management and Economy" (graduate students).

Visiting Professor: September 1995- today at the SummerUniversity “EuropeandtheBalkans”, University of Bologna, Cervia, Italy. The programme includes around 50 graduate students and lasts for two weeks. Since 1998 I also member of the Scientific board of the programme. Head of the programme: Professor Stefano Bianchini.

Lecturer: December 1999-March 2001, University of Patras, Department of Economics. Teaching the undergraduate courses: Maceroeconomics, Introductory Economics, Economic Policy, International Finance.

Visiting Assistant Professor: March 1999-February 2000, Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of International and European Studies. Teaching the course European Economic Integration to Erasmus students in English language.

Visiting Assistant Professor: March 1999-August 2000, University of the Aegean, Department of Business Administration. Teaching the course "Finance I" to second year undergraduate students.

Visiting Lecturer: March 1998 - August 1998, University of Athens, Dept. of Political Science and Public Administration. Teaching the following undergraduate courses: (1) Political Economy II (second-year students). (2) European Economics (second-year students). Teaching the following graduate courses: (1) European Union and Greece and (2) The Internal Market and Greece.

Special Advisor: April 1998-October 1999, Ministry of Finance, Duties: advising on public policy issues, the budget, public debt and the conversion of drachma to Euro.

Special Advisor: Municipality of Athens, February 1995 - April 1998, advising on regional and urban policy and development issues.

Visiting Assistant Professor: Sept. 1993 - August 1996, University of Crete, Dept. of Economics, Rethimno, Crete. Teaching the following undergraduate courses: (1) International Trade (second-year students). (2) Greek Economy I (senior students) an examination of the basic characteristics of the Greek economy and of the main economic policies followed recently). (3) Greek Economy II: Greece and the European Union (senior students; an examination of the relative position of Greece in specific sectors like trade, finance, industry etc.) (4) Monetary Theory and Policy II (senior students; an examination of the Greek and international financial markets and of the role of domestic and foreign banks).

Teaching Assistant: 1987-1991, Clark University, Department of Economics, 950 Main St., Worcester, MA 01610.Assisted Professors in grading papers and teaching the following undergraduate economics courses: Labor Economics, Monetary Economics, Macroeconomics, International Monetary Economics, European Economy, and Introductory Economics.

Trainee (Stagiaire): 1987, Commission of the European Community, D.G 22 Coordination and Structural Instruments, unit 1, Integrated Mediterranean Programs, 200 rue de la Loi, Brussels, Belgium.

-Contributed to the drafting of the sub-programs "Advanced Tertiary Sector", and "Primary Sector in less developed areas" in the IMP for Attica, Greece.

-Prepared, using the appropriate software, the financial tables for Integrated Mediterranean Programs "Crete " and "Islands of the Aegean Sea".

-Assisted in the examination of the supporting documents related in the final payments of the IMP's preparatory actions in Greece.