

The Department of Economics is the first department of the School of Economics and Management, which is located in Tripoli, the capital of Arcadia Prefecture. The School was founded in 2003 and it has been renamed School of Economics and Technology since 2019. The Department of Economics aspires to become a modern academic centre that will enhance academic knowledge and scientific research.

The Department offers a range of courses, which cover the fields of economics and finance, as well as accounting, economic geography and regional growth. Additionally, students have access to all modern means of education (computer laboratories, network connections, economic databases, specialized economic library, etc.), so as to use and apply scientific knowledge in the most effective way.

The aim of our four-year programme of study is to educate future economists with strong personalities and great respect for institutions and academic values. Our graduates share the ability of analytical thinking and their qualifications make them the ideal candidates for employment in the public and private sector, in banking and other financial services, in economic consulting and economic research. Our programme also prepares our students in the best way, so as to continue their studies in postgraduate and PhD programmes of study.


Our department members publish in leading academic journals (AJG 3, 4, 4* and FT-50), such as:

Research Policy


British Journal of Industrial Relations


British Journal of Management


Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

4- FT-50

Journal of Economic Geography


Journal of Management Studies

4 FT-50

Regional Studies


Social Science and Medicine


Annals of Operations Research


Business Strategy and the Environment


Economics Letters


Energy Economics


Energy Journal


Environment and Planning A


Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy


Environmental and Resource Economics


European Economic Review


European Financial Management


European Management Review


Financial Analysts Journal


Financial Review


Health Economics (United Kingdom)


International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research


International Journal of Forecasting


International Journal of Industrial Organization


International Review of Financial Analysis


Journal of Banking and Finance


Journal of Business Ethics

3 FT-50

Journal of Business Research


Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization


Journal of Environmental Management


Journal of Financial Econometrics


Journal of Futures Markets


Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money


Journal of Regional Science


Journal of Rural Studies


Journal of Technology Transfer


Papers in Regional Science


Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting


Small Business Economics


Urban Studies



AJG (a.k.a ABS) https://charteredabs.org/academic-journal-guide-2021/

FT-50 https://www.ft.com/content/3405a512-5cbb-11e1-8f1f-00144feabdc0

Jean Monnet Chair

In the beginning of the academic year, a Personal Tutor, who is a Teaching and Research Member of the Academic Staff (DEP), is assigned to each first-year student. The Personal Tutor remains the same until the student’s graduation, apart from for exceptional cases, e.g. the tutor takes a sabbatical or leaves the department. The full list of the Personal Tutors for each student can be found on the department website in the beginning of the academic year. Personal Tutors inform and advise students on academic matters and especially on the best way to plan their studies, so as to meet the student’s particular needs and preferences.

Internship in the Department of Economics offers students the opportunity to work for three (3) months in a post related to their field of study. Students are employed on a temporary basis in firms, organizations and banks in the private or public sector, in order to prepare themselves for the transition to the labour market.

During the internship, the University of Peloponnese provides students with national health insurance and after the successful completion of the internship period they receive payment. Students who attend the 3rd or 4th year of their studies and apply for the first time are eligible for internship. The main criteria for student selection are average grade in all modules, year of study, number of failed modules and an interview, which is compulsory for all candidates.

After the interviews and the evaluation process of all applications, the preliminary results are announced on the webpage of the Department Internship Office and the Department website with detailed information about the score of each candidate. Students can file an objection to the Department Secretariat within five (5) days after the announcement of the temporary results. After the assessment of all objections, if there are any, and the validation of the respective decision, the Objections Committee, which is composed of three (3) members, announces the final results of the candidates who have succeeded on the Department Internship Office webpage and the Department website.

Internship is a learning activity which is included in the programme of studies of the Department of Economics and corresponds to six (6) ECTS credits. The Academic Internship Coordinator of the Department for the academic year 2017-2018 is the Assistant Professor Athina Lazakidou (e-mail: lazakid@uop.gr). For more information about the internship programme in the University of Peloponnese, please check the webpage of the University Internship Office (https://praktiki.uop.gr) and the Department Internship Office (https://es.uop.gr/praktiki).


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